
Introduction To MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging represents the convergence of discoveries in the fields of physics, chemistry and mathematics that occurred over the course of nearly 200 years .MRI is the most flexible of our diagnostic imaging modalities, possessing the ability to characterize a wide range of parameters in the living subject and provide exquisite spatial resolution.
The first commercial MRI  systems became available in 1983.

Strong magnets are an essential component of all MR scanners.Tesla (T) is the unit of measurement quantifying the strength of a magnetic field generated by the magnet .1 tesla is approximately 20,000 times the magnetic field of earth. There are three types of magnets, i.e., permanent, resistive, and superconducting that have been used for imaging.Of these  superconducting magnets are used for achieving high field strength imaging ie above 1 tesla

As the field strength increases there is better resolution of images, faster imaging and ability to take thinner sections. However, the optimal field strength for clinical investigation is a complex mixture of health economics surrounding the cost of the system (high field strength is more expensive), patient throughput and magnet siting issues

Certain MR imaging techniques are only available with a high filed strength of 1.5 tesla and above.Examples are MR spectroscopy,Perfusion imaging, functional MRI,diffusion tensor imaging.

The Clinical / Technical features Associated with a 1.5 Tesla MRI Scanning Machine
1. MR Angiography & MR Venography
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is a well established non-invasive technique for imaging vascular system.It is possible to do angiographic studies of cerebral vessels as well as peripheral arterial system.We can have a view of the abdominal aorta with bilateral lower limb arteries in a single image .Although cerebral angiograms are generally performed without administration of paramagnetic contrast media,peripheral angiograms require the administration of contrast material
2. MR Spectroscopy
MRS examines metabolites in brain parenchyma at millimolar concentrations.MR spectroscopic image generates a spectrum illustrating quantitative measurements of metabolites within a designated volume of brain parenchyma .Several Pathologic processes alter the concentration of metabolites in a relatively characteristic manner.Uses of Spectroscopy are in  Unknown lesion characterization,Metabolic disorders ,Post surgical follow up(residual/recurrent tumor vs. radiation necrosis)
3)  Diffusion Studies:
This imaging technique enabling non-invasive observation of diffusion .  Its most successful application being in the study of brain ischemia where diffusion becomes positive within half an hour of ictus.Other uses of diffusion are in diagnosing brain abscesses.Certain tumours with high cellularity are associated with diffusion restriction which aids in narrowing the differential of focal brain neoplasm.While assessing Diffusion images it is important to look at the ADC maps to confirm diffusion restriction.

4)  DTI with MR Tractography:
MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging is the latest technique to demonstrate white matter fibre tract anomalies within the brain. 3D Fibre tracking offers various orientations of the fibres for pre-surgical evaluations.DTI also helps in assessing the fibre tracts adjacent to a neoplasm.This aids in arriving at   at a proper diagnosis.For example if the tracts adjacent to a lesion is only displaced it suggests a benign lesion.If it is infiltrated it suggests a malignant lesion.Other uses of DTI are in assessing paedeatric developmental disorders.
5)  MR Perfusion Studies:
MR perfusion imaging is an integral component in the diagnostic workup of a brain pathology. It is used in Grading of brain gliomas ,Determining optimal biopsy site,distinguishing radiation necrosis (normal rCBV) from recurrent high-grade tumor (high rCBV),assessing treatment response and in stroke imaging.Assessing the perfusion of a lesion and perilesional region is important classifying focal brain lesions. Recent studies indicate perfusion imaging one of the most important techniques of advanced brain imaging.

6) Functional MR:
Functional MRI (fMRI) using the blood oxygenation dependent(BOLD) contrast mechanism was first described over 15 years ago . It is the detection of changes in blood flow and blood oxygen concentration in the brain, as an indirect measure of neural activity, during the performance of cognitive, sensory and motor tasks during a stimulus paradigm.It is an important technique for clinical use,particularly in pre-surgical planning in oncology and epilepsy.Using various paradigms we are able to correctly localize motor cortex,sensory cortex,visual and auditory areas.This helps a surgeon in planning the surgery and prognositicate regarding the expected neurological deficits after surgery

7) MRCP & MRU:
MRCP is a technique to visualize the hepatobiliary and pancreatic system.3D MRCP techniques are available with a 1.5 tesla system which helps in obtaining high resolution images.MRCP helps in assessing the causes of biliary and pancreatic pathology including congenital anomalies.
MRU visualizes the urinary tract. static-fluid MR urography and excretory MR urography. Static-fluid MR urography makes use of heavily T2-weighted sequences to image the urinary tract as a static collection of fluid, can be repeated sequentially (cine MR urography) to better demonstrate the ureters in their entirety and to confirm the presence of fixed stenoses, and is most successful in patients with dilated or obstructed collecting systems. Excretory MR urography is performed during the excretory phase of enhancement after the intravenous administration of gadolinium-based contrast material; thus, the patient must have sufficient renal function to allow the excretion and even distribution of the contrast material. Diuretic administration is an important adjunct to excretory MR urography, which can better demonstrate nondilated systems. Static-fluid and excretory MR urography can be combined with conventional MR imaging for comprehensive evaluation of the urinary tract.

8) Musculoskeletal Imaging.
Higher field strength magnets obtain high resolution images of  musculoskeletal structures and joints.MRI is considered the modality of choice for investigation of artcular pathologies. Cartigram protocols are available with higher field strength magnets which helps in identifying early changes in the articular cartilage.

9)In phase and out of phase imaging
Main applications of dual phase imaging are
  • focal or diffuse fattyinfiltration and identifying lesions containing microscopic fat(like adrenal adenomas)
  • excessive iron deposition in patients with hemosiderosis or hemochromatosis.

10) Cardiac MRI:
Cardiac MR  Applications commonly employed in clinical practice are in the evaluation of congenital heart disease, cardiac masses, the pericardium, right ventricular dysplasia, and hibernating myocardium. Myocardial perfusion and valvular ,ventricular function, are also very accurately evaluated with MRI.Main advantage of cardiac MRI is the lack of ionizing radiation, which is substantial with  competing modalities like SPECT and computed tomography (CT). The strength of cardiac MRI, as compared to CT, is its superior temporal and contrast resolution whereas the spatial resolution of CT is more. Coronary artery imaging is currently more accurately evaluated with other modalities. Cardiac function is evaluated using cine gradient echo sequences, often known as “bright blood” sequences(FIESTA).Cardiac morphology is evaluated with “black blood” sequences. Contrast-enhanced MR with inversion recovery gradient echo sequences  is used for evaluation of myocardial viability .
In recent years, magnetic resonance tomography of the breast (MR Mammography)has become increasingly establishedas a diagnostic procedure to supplement conventional mammography and sonography.The indications for MR mammography include Clarification of recurrence of prior breast carcinoma,Lymph node metastasis in the axilla when the primary tumor is unclear, Preoperative staging for histologically certain breast carcinoma, Clinical monitoring of breast carcinoma,during neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Unclear diagnostic findings from mammography and/or sonography .MR mammography is done with dedicated breast coils in high field strength MR machines

Higher field strengths magnets are going to be standard in MR imaging due to the presence of advanced imaging applications.Combined modality scanners like PET-MRI ,MR focused ultrasound and MR guided interventional procedures are also expected to become mainstream.